První mezinárodní automobilové závody v Plzni
Other title(s): I International Car Races in Plzeň
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1923
Runtime: 7:42 min:sec
Description: On September 16, 1923, I International Car Races were held in Plzeň. Motorcycles and automobiles were weighed with a town weighing machine. Then all the cars went through the streets of the town. Following are shots of the race itself which took place outside the town. In a show window of the Anglo-Czechoslovakian Bank, awards for the winners were displayed.
Keywords: dokument / číslo závodní / automobily vážení / závod motorových vozidel / motocykly vážení / váha městská / závod Lochotín - Třemošná 1924 / automobily / motocykly / motocykly se sajdkárou / motokolo / diváci / ceny pro vítěze / start závodu motorových vozidel / racing number / weighing automobiles / motor car race / weighing motorcycles / town weighing machine / race Lochotin - Tremesna 1924 / automobiles / motorcycles / motorcycles with side-car / motorised bicycle / spectators / awards for winners / start of motor car race
Provider: Národní filmový archiv
Rights: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Production company: Orbis Plzeň
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type:
Collection: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs